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Contoh Kaliimat Penggunaan If Clause + Suggestion

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Uluwatu Temple – Pura Luhur
Imagine a large limestone cliff with a temple perched on it, almost like a scene from cliffhanger, to add to it’s dramatic grandeur. It is situated in the island commonly known as Bukit Peninsula, where it also include Bali’s few best beaches like Balangan and also has many good surfing spots. The tempels itself a majestic structure, constructed and expanded by many famous safes since in the 11th Century, it perced at the steep cliff of 70 meters above the Indian ocean. If you go even higher grounds nearby, you will be rewarded with breathtaking view of eitherside and sunsets over Uluwatu Temple.
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If Clause + Suggestion

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Pura – Tanah Lot
Another majestic rock formation that lays as a founddation of a popular pilgrimage temple. It is most popular for its serenity and cultural significance as it is associated with the Balinese mythology as one of the seven temples that form a ring in the southwest of Bali. If you want to go thereduring low tide so that you can experience walking across the water to the temple for the full experience.
If Clause + Suggestion

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Party at Kuta Beach
Kuta is the most popular beach in Bali, which mean you can be sure to find the life and party scene here in Kuta Beach. If you are looking out of socialize, party and have a good time, you be sure to find this place. For different atmosphere and budget, ranging from hard rock cafe to your neighborhood cafe and pub.
If Clause + Suggestion

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Private Beach at Nusa Dua Beach
If you have a bit more of a budget to spare, splurge at Nusa Dua beach to get rewarded the private pristine beaches. This place is also ideal for honeymooners or people looking out for a private and relaxing getaway.
If Clause + Suggestion

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Ayana Bar on Rocks
We have two temples on the cliff, now we get to drink off the bar perched on yet another cliff at Ayana in Bali. This is known as the best bar in Bali, having a long line of people daily trying to get and have a drink or two with some bites (which is surprisingly good) while overlooking the sea crashing into the rocks below. Think about drinking, chilling and also dancing in top of cliff with the roaring sea stretching behind you to infinity while you watchwhite water crashed onto the side of the wall creating a spectacular of natural show. If you can decide where is one bar you must go, Ayana bar on the rock is the place.
If Clause + Suggestion


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