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About The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.

The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W
     When the inhabitants of Mecca in a state of darkness and losing their grip, it was born in the midst of that society, a baby named Muhammad, who will be the role model and straighten their aqeedah and life from the error into a true way and being blessed by Allah. Muhammad was born by a mother named Aminah on 12 Early Rabi’ul in the elephant or on April 20, 571 AD. His father, Abdullah, had passed away when Muhammad was 7 months in his mother’s womb.
     It already became a custom of the Arabs of Mecca that they entrusted their children and breastfed them to Badiyah women so that the baby could enjoy fresh air and could speak the language fluently. As well as Muhammad who was the nobility descendant of Quraysh, he had been commended and breastfed by Halimah As-Sa’diyah.
     After he was five years old, Halimah chaperoned Muhammad to Mecca. Halimah returned him to his mother, Siti Aminah. A year later, Aminah passed away. After that, Muhammad was fostered by his grandfather, Abdul Mutholib. The next two years, Muhammad’s grandfather also passed away. After that, he was fostered by his uncle, Abu Tholib.
     While he was growing up to be adult, the prophet Muhammad S.A.W started his life independently and he did not depend on his uncle anymore. He was well-known as an honest and kind man among his friends and also older people because he never said lie and bad things. Due to his good character and behavior, a rich widow entrusted her merchandise to the prophet Muhammad S.A.W to be sold in Syams land. That woman was Khadijah.
     After his arrival from Syams, there was a marriage proposal from Khadijah to the prophet Muhammad S.A.W through Khadijah’s uncle. The wedding was held after two of them agreed. The prophet Muhammad S.A.W was 25 years old when he got married, meanwhile Khadijah was 40 years old.
    As the next leader of human beings in this world, the prophet Muhammad S.A.W had many aptitudes, big soul, smart thought, sharp brain, soft feeling, strong memory, quick response, and strong mentality. He knew his society’s sadness and the collapse of their religion. Therefore, he went to Hira’ cave to illuminate his thoughts and prepare himself to face those problems.
    On Romadhon 17th, or it was same as August 6, 610 AD, Jibril angel came to the prophet Muhammad S.A.W who was still in Hira’ cave. At that place, the prophet Muhammad S.A.W accepted the first revelation. The next half and two years, the prophet Muhammad S.A.W accepted the second revelation.
    After the second revelation was accepted, the prophet Muhammad S.A.W began his da’wah secretly. He started from his family and best friends in order to leave their pagan religion. He asked them to only worship Allah. He did it for about three years. After that, he started his da’wah openly in front of public.
    His struggle in da’wah got many obstacles and rejection. However, he was still patient, spiritful, and not easily giving up. He always asked protection from Allah SWT.
    On Rajab 27, the eleventh year after Muhammad S.A.W was appointed as the prophet, Isra’ Mi’raj happened. At that time, the prophet Muhammad S.A.W accepted a command to pray five times a day from Allah SWT.
     The prophet Muhammad S.A.W passed away because of fever on 12 early rabi’ul 11 Hijriyah or it is same as June 8th, 632 AD. He was 63 years old when he passed away. During his 23-year being the prophet, he struggled hard in da’wah for Islam. He didn’t leave his people properties or throne, but Al-Qur’an and Hadits to be guidance in behaving and doing things in their life.


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